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> 小型電器-Small Appliances > 浴室寶-Thermo Ventilator > DRYMASTER DM128H 2合1 換氣暖風機(乾衣寶)

2合1 換氣暖風機(乾衣寶)

(2種安裝方式, PTC陶瓷發熱)
(24小時換氣, 無線遙控器)

分期付款 :

LASTUPDATE: 18-07-2022

HKD $3,880

HKD $3,680
產品備註 :

特點: 2種安裝方式: 暗藏天花式 / 明裝天花式 , 附設開關時間制功能

2015年11月全新 DRYMASTER DM128H
 2種安裝方式: 暗藏天花式 / 明裝天花式
 衣服烘乾乾燥(熱) - PTC加熱器可以在一段很短的時間晾衣服
 暖氣功能-瞬間令浴室變暖, 達至理想溫度
    Heat- Speedily warm up the bathroom to a comfortable temperature.
 乾衣功能- PTC加熱器迅速弄乾衣服
    Clothes Drying-Dry(hot) 
    PTC elements can dry clothes in a very short period of time.
 換氣功能- 有效抽走污濁空氣及沐浴時帶來的濕氣, 防止霉菌生長
    Ventilation- Can exhaust odor and moisture from the bathroom.
 循環風功能- 集中及擴散送風模式選擇,自動搖擺送風操作, 可手動調校送風方向
    Air Circulation-Dry(cool)- Spot and wide air modes for selection
    auto swing operation with manual adjustable air direction.
 配有負離子過濾網過濾室內氣, 讓室內空氣清新, 乾爽
    With anion filter to refresh indoor air, and exhaust odor and moisture.
 DM-128H使用不帶電PTC作為高效發熱體, 備有超温及過載雙重保護, 使產品運行更安全可靠
    It use safety and reliable uncharged PTC heating element
    as well as overheat and overload double safety device.
 採用雙馬達, 扇葉, 提供高效獨立循環取暖及換氣效果
    Twin motors system provides efficient heat circulation and ventilation separately.
 無線遙控-方便控制, 安裝簡易, 免有線遙控器拖線煩惱
    Wireless remote control- easy installation without extra wiring for cord type remote control.
 噪音水平: 47 dB (dry mode)
                      31-38 dB (exhaust mode)
                      43-47 dB (heat mode)
 氣流量: (Hi)175/ (Lo)105 ( m3/h)
 尺寸: W483 / D374 / H184mm
 尺寸: W405 / D295mm(天花式開孔安裝尺寸)
 額定功率: 2500W
 排氣管直徑: 100 mm
 電壓: 220V/50Hz
原廠標準安裝 $1,180.- (天花式安裝)
(如重新安裝電源掣一套不長於30呎, 額外加費$650.-)